PWDCNC Members Care!

In times of disaster, the Club members want to assist fellow members as well as pet owners in general.  As wildfires swept across Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino, Lake, and Solano counties this past fall, an emailed announcement was sent out to the general membership, asking for help for members effected by the fires.

Offers of assistance were prompt and generous. Several members offered to share their homes with any members who needed temporary shelter.  Others offered to take in dogs and other pets that needed to be temporarily housed.

Board member Mark Gilroy spearheaded the coordination of offers. He tracked the offers of assistance and helped connect those in need with members who were able to offer assistance. Thank you Mark!

During and after the fires, organized efforts were made by Bay Area animal shelters, pet stores, and animal-lovers to support pets and farm animals that had been displaced by the Northern California wildfires.  The PWDCNC members wanted to assist in these efforts also.  At our Regional Specialty, held in Napa which just days before had been a staging area for firefighting teams, members attending donated $100.00, which was then donated to the Marin Humane Society.  We received a very nice letter of appreciation from Marin Humane Society included here.

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